Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ 3rd Annual Lifestyle Medicine Conference 2019

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various presenters during the Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ annual conference and placed on this web site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine or official policies of the Society.

A warm welcome to the Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ 2019 Annual Conference page, where you can download speaker presentations, and relive a few of the great moments of the conference captured in the photographs.

Highlights from the 2019 Conference

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The Speakers & Presentations

Kamila Hawthorne

General Practitioner

Presentation Title: Pills or Pushups?

Dr Neil Bindemann

Director External Affairs
Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ Executive Director

Presentation Title: Feeding the mind: The Gut Microbiome link

Alison Manson

Health Policy Professional
Diabetes Educator

Presentation Title: Group Consultations: Embedding Lifestyle Medicine at the Heart of NHS Clinical Practice

Maureen Evans


Presentation Title: Positive Movement Experiences for Lower Back Pain (LBP)

Dr Chris Jones


Presentation Title: Imagining Sustainable Healthcare

Prof Peter Elwood


Presentation Title: Science & Art of Healthy Living

Malcolm Kendrick


Presentation Title: Evidence Based Medicine – Nice if it Works

Catriona McNicol


Presentation Title: Laughter is the Best Medicine

Dr Ifeoma Monye

Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ Regional Director
General Practitioner

Presentation Title: Brookfield Model of Developing Physicians’ Capacity in Lifestyle Medicine Through Blended Learning

Prof Heather Elphick


Presentation Title: A Holistic Approach to Children’s Sleep Problems

Rod Paton


Presentation Title: Mind, Body, Sing! Healthy living through holistic singing

Dr Michael Klaper


Presentation Title: What I Wished I Learned About Nutrition in Medical School

Mal Emerson


Presentation Title: Broken Body & Mind to Mountains High

"I am a GP Partner working in a village near Stonehenge. Qualifications are BM 1993, MRCGP. I came to the BSL conference a couple of weekends ago and would like to sincerely congratulate you on one of the best 2 days of medical education/ networking I have ever attended. I came out enthused in a way that hasn't happened in years... so thank you!"

Dr Helen Pickup